Rhon’sWay Posters 

Cami, my first hair salon owner who purchased and loved this print to adorn her station.


Positive Affirmation Series

These “Rhon’sWay Positive Affirmation” — 11×14 Posters were selected from the Coloring Book and Journal that was created to Uplift, Encourage, and Empower you as you move through your daily experiences. Thoughts are things, and you have the power through positive affirmations, to change your mindset and therefore change your life.


Cussing Series

These “Rhon’sWay Cussing Affirmation” — 11×14 Posters were selected from the Coloring Book and Journal that was created to acknowledge that there are situations in life that are best expressed using a more expletive, colorful language that can reduce stress, show humor, and just feels good when spoken!

Relationship Series

These “Relationship Affirmation” 11×14 Posters were selected from the Coloring Book and Journal that was created to help women realize that the most successful Relationship one can have is the Relationship she has with herself.


Self-Care Series

These “Rhon’sWay Self-Care – It’s All About You” Affirmations — 11×14 Posters were selected from the Coloring Book and Journal that was created to help women realize the importance of Self-Care which involves more than just pampering oneself, but includes emotional, physical, and spiritual care as well. When you take care of yourself first, you can then provide quality care for family and other loved ones without feeling resentful, angry, or frustrated. Self-Care is giving people the BEST OF YOU instead of WHAT’S LEFT OF YOU!!!.

Get yours at $25 each or if you buy two or more, cost is $20 each!

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